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Burns, scalds, frostbite

Texts and images (c) Ligamed

Case report 1 - Burns of the left thigh side on a hot oven

65 years old, female, left thigh burned on a hot oven.

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Fig. 1: Condition before debridement with LIGASANO® white

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Fig. 2: Wound during treatment with LIGASANO® white.

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Fig. 3: Wound during treatment with LIGASANO® white.

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Fig. 4: After two weeks of treatment with LIGASANO® white, the wound is clean and can be covered with split skin.

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Fig. 5: Status after successful split skin transplantation.

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Fig. 6: Condition after successful split skin transplantation.

Excerpt from an application observation of the accident hospital Targu-MureÅŸ, Romania,

(c) Ligamed

Case report 2 -
second-degree burns on the forearm

21-year-old female patient with second-degree burn on her forearm.

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Fig. 1

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Fig. 2

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Fig. 3

Under LIGASANO® white wound therapy, a significant reduction in fibrin deposits can be shown within two dressing changes (Figs. 1 and 2).


The wound was treated with a two-centimeter-thick LIGASANO® white foam. The foam was first changed daily, in the second week, after the decrease in wound secretion, the dressing was changed every two days. After removal of the dressing, the absorbed wound secretion and the detached fibrin coatings were visible on the wound side. The patient showed no pain either during the wearing time of the dressing or during the removal. There was no sticking between dressing and wound.


At the beginning of the third week, the wound was epithelialized (Fig. 3). In the epithelisation phase, the foam was moistened with 2 ml Ringer solution.

Excerpt from a post-marketing surveillance of the accident hospital Targu-MureÅŸ, Romania

(c) Ligamed

Case report 3 -
Third degree burns on the left forefoot

Patient data and anamnesis:

Young patient, born in 1989, tipped hot oil over his left forefoot and suffered grade 3 burns. Patient was already treated for 3 weeks in a medical care center. Due to the complex care, Rinocon GbR was additionally involved as a homecare company to further support and ensure continuous treatment. At the first admission of the patient, the wound was very heavily covered with fibrin, the toe gaps were strongly macerating and moist. The wound environment was dry and scaly. The treatment with paraffin-soaked gauze and sterile compresses proved to be insufficient within the first 3 weeks of treatment and very painful for the patient (dressing glued to the wound).

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Fig. 1: 31.05.2016

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Fig. 2: First dressing check on 03.06.2016  (3rd day of treatment)

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Fig. 3: Dressing check on 14.06.2016 (14th day of treatment)

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Fig. 4: Dressing check on28.06.2016 (28th day of treatment)

Fig. 1: 31.05.2016 After consultation by Rinocon GbR with the treating physician, the therapy was adapted and continued with Principelle IF 8 x 10 cm and LIGASANO® white sterile 15 x 10 x 1 cm. LIGASANO® was incised at the front and additionally tamponed into the toe gaps. The restoration was fixed with an elastic gauze bandage. 


Fig. 2: First dressing check on 03.06.2016 (3rd day of treatment): Already after 3 days with the changed treatment a highly positive course was observed. After mechanical debridement, the wound bed was completely free of fibrin deposits. Beginning epithelisation was visible at the wound margin. The previously strongly macerated toe interdigits were completely intact and dry. 


Fig. 3: Dressing control on 14.06.2016 (14th day of treatment): 70% of the wound was already covered with an epithelial layer, only two small wounds were left with a clean red granulating wound bed. The entire wound area was pale and dry. The treatment continued with a Principelle IF and LIGASANO® white sterile. 


Fig. 4: Dressing control on 28.06.2016 (28th day of treatment): The wound was completely epithelialized, skin appearance completely renewed without scarring. 



A highly positive course of the wound could be achieved with the treatment of Principelle IF in combination with sterile LIGASANO® PUR foam dressing white for the burn of grade 3 on the left forefoot of a young patient. The wound showed a good response to the selected combination of medical honey and foam dressing. In addition, the patient's pain load could be significantly reduced and the tolerance to the treatment increased sustainably. 

Autor: Rinocon Gbr, Homecare-Service, Bad Windsheim

(c) Ligamed

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