Contam® Vaginal tampon
Therapy option for stress incontinence (involuntary leakage of urine when laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc.) and for strengthening / activating the pelvic floor muscles. A planned hysterectomy with a plastic abutment can be dispensed with through effective therapy with Contam.
Contam® Duo
Can be used in the same way as the normal version - but its double shape offers a better fit and mode of action. Pressure is exerted on the tissue surrounding the urethra, resulting in a natural closure. This prevents unwanted urine leakage. In addition, the connection of the tampons brings a stability effect for easier insertion
Contam® Special
Contam® Special Product performance as normal version - additionally offers depot possibilities for ointments / creams (including ointments containing hormones) due to the groove-shaped surface in the depressions. The healing-supporting substances applied in the depressions of the tampon surface are hardly wiped off during insertion
Contam® MedThis tampon provides a carrier function for the local supply of medical substances that support healing. It can also be used as an aid if there is no stress incontinence, because the preformed urethral formation on both sides exerts no or barely noticeable pressure on the urethra
Function:By positioning the tampon in the vaginal area, gentle pressure causes the bladder neck to return to its original position. The sphincter muscle can perform its original function again. The vaginal tampon supports the activation of the pelvic floor muscles. By using Contam®; uterine prolapse can be reduced if necessary and thus operations can be delayed, in some cases even prevented. Contam® performs the carrier function for local positioning of substances that support healing (for fungal infections, hormone treatments). Large sizes help to regress a prolapse.
pleasantly soft and supple, yet elastic
not visible
fits snugly
Important information
Contam® vaginal tampon does not need to be removed during urination. Vaginal secretion is maintained and the normal vaginal flora is not affected. The raw material used for Contam® is a toxicologically and dermatologically safe foam and has been used for decades in cardiac surgery, burns and open fractures. The sewn-in retrieval thread means that there is hardly any contact between the thread and the mucous membrane. Irritation is thus prevented.
Please do not use Contam
- during menstruation
- in case of PVA allergy
Contam® should be changed after swimming. Wearing during pregnancy and in case of uterine prolapse should be agreed with the doctor. Wearing time should not be considerably longer than 12 hours if possible.
If fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, dizziness or skin rash suddenly occur when using Contam®, remove the tampon and consult a doctor.
For example, a cream containing estriol can be used to support insertion, which also helps to maintain the vaginal flora and vaginal secretion. Furthermore, protection against infection (Döderlein) and the tightening of the mucous membrane is promoted
Enjoy the pleasures of life again despite stress incontinence...
Contam Using instruction english
Bladder weakness, urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence (Lat.: Incontinentia urinae) refers to the loss or failure to learn the ability to safely store and expel urine at a desired location at a self-determined time
Types of urinary incontinence:
Urge incontinence
The urge to urinate that cannot be suppressed causes urine to be lost before reaching the toilet. This can have various causes:
Sensory urge incontinence:
Here, the perception of the bladder filling is disturbed in the sense of a premature feeling of filling, for example due to an inflammation, bladder stones or blockage of the draining urinary tract.
Motoric urge incontinence:
Here, the nerve impulses leading out to the muscles of the bladder wall (the bladder muscles responsible for emptying) are disinhibited, which leads to a premature, sometimes spasmodic detrusor contraction.
Urge incontinence can be the result of inflammation of the lower urinary tract (bladder, urethra), obstructive (constricting) changes such as urethral strictures, benign or malignant prostate enlargements, or neurological disorders such as dementia.
Giggle incontinence (enuresis risoria):
Giggle incontinence is a special form of urge incontinence. In this case, uncontrolled loss of urine occurs when laughing vigorously, but this is difficult to detect clinically. This rather rare form of urge incontinence is predominantly observed in girls; this form of incontinence has hardly ever been observed in boys or even in adults. The cause is a deficit in the central nervous inhibition of the micturition reflex
In stress incontinence, increased intra-abdominal pressure due to strain, pressing for various reasons (lifting, carrying, climbing stairs, laughing, coughing, sneezing) triggers the more or less pronounced loss of urine. Triggers can be coughing, sneezing and abrupt body movements; in severe cases, even unstrained movements. In women, stress incontinence is often caused by childbirth, which leads to overstretching and slackening of the retaining ligaments and the pelvic floor.
Other known forms are mixed incontinence (i.e. urge and stress incontinence combined), overflow incontinence (constantly overfull urinary bladder due to drainage problems) and reflex incontinence due to central nervous disorders (e.g. after paraplegia or multiple sclerosis).
Source: Wikipedia 2007
To prevent incontinence, and also in cases of existing bladder weakness, it is always advisable to drink enough fluids and do regular pelvic floor exercises.